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Facts about Leeches


  • Leeches are segmented worms that belong to the phylum Annelida - subclass Hirudinea. 

  • Recognized 700 species: most of them are freshwater animals

  • Hermaphrodites

  • Two suckers. Front sucker had  three jaws and almost 300 chitin teeth

  • Five pairs of eyes

  • 32 segments

  • Leech size varies among families and can reach up to 20 cm in length

  • Don't eat often. Can leave up to a year without food

  • Sucks the blood in a volume 5-15 ml. It is about tablespoon of blood.

  • Only few types of leeches considered as medical tools like European medicinal leech species, Hirudo medicinalis. hirudinaria manillensis, hirudo  nipponi, hirudo verbena, hirudo orientalis, and haementeria depressa

  • The salivary glands of leeches contain over hundred highly active biological substances - special enzymes that have the properties of preventing  thrombus formation, interstitial improve metabolism, help get rid the body toxins, prevent aging of the tissues. 

Bio farm in Moscow
Leech bite
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